"Doorways to Healing" Juried Group Art Installation for the 2010 Society for Arts In Healthcare (SAH) Conference
Sponsored by The Art of Healing Program, Penny George Institute for Health & Healing Abbott Northwestern Hospital
Local artists are invited to submit work to be considered for inclusion in a group exhibit to be mounted at the international SAH conference held April 28-May 1, 2010 at the Minneapolis Hilton Hotel. More information on SAH can be found at www.thesah.org. The show will be juried by Megan Hatch, Healing Art Program Coordinator at Abbott Northwestern Hospital and Gary Christenson, Chair of the Boynton Health Services Art Committee at the University of MN.
Pieces accepted for exhibit will be inserted into individual openings within larger panels shaped like doors. Artwork that is selected for exhibition will become a permanent part of this installation. While financial remuneration is not possible, all artists whose art becomes a part of this piece will be acknowledged by name as a permanent part of the installation. In addition, prior to the SAH conference, a public preview of the exhibit and a reception honoring the artists will be held at the Penny George Institute. After being exhibited at the conference, the installation will then be available for display at other local healthcare facilities.
Artists are encouraged to submit images of up to 6 pieces of original art for consideration. .Any media accepted including painting, drawing, textile, poetry, beadwork, ceramic, etc. .Required dimensions: 9" wide x 12" tall x no more than 1" deep, all pieces will be hung vertically .Entries must be received by February 1, 2010 and include the
- Up to 6 slides or digital images
- Media and titles of all work
- Artist statement describing healing/artistic vision of pieces
- Contact information-name, address, phone number, email address and artist's website (if available)
- SASE if necessary for return of slides
Entry Submission:
Penny George Institute for Health and Healing Abbott Northwestern Hospital
Attn: Doorways to Healing
800 E. 28th St.
Mail Route 15115
Minneapolis, MN 55407
Or via email to
[email protected]
Notification of juror decisions will be sent out by March 5, 2010.