Become a Member of the Midwest Arts in Healthcare Network
We invite you to become a member of the Midwest Arts in Healthcare Network. This is a great way to connect and meet others who are passionate about arts and health.
Individual memberships are only $15 per year.
Organizational memberships are $50.00 per year which includes up to three individual memberships.
Individual and Organizational Members:
- Can choose to be listed in the public and members-only membership directories.
- Can access the members-only section of the website.
- Have access to meeting minutes from past MAIHN meetings.
- Are eligible to run for office, volunteer and participate in the election of MAIHN officers.
- Receive arts and health announcements and events information.
- Are eligible to be a featured artist on the website.
- Are eligible to participate in MAIHN events and shows.
- Can create topics and comment in the MAIHN discussion forums.
- Can receive a 50% discount for the first year of a "new membership" in the Society for the Arts in Healthcare.
Here is where you apply for membership